Marked Hiking Trails



The Great Plain Blue Tour and the E7 European Long Distance Trail can be found under the independent title of the county sections of Csongrád.  o Szeged, Tápai rév Tisza-Maros estuary (0.8 km) floodplain road - only in a flood-free period! o Szeged, Torontál Square (Downtown Bridge Newspaper Bridge) Chamber Thököly Road Transylvania Square (5.5 km) o Tiszasziget deepest point in Hungary Tiszasziget (4.8 km) o Szeged, Flood Memorial Röszke Röszke / Horgos (border) (21 km) o Szentes Váhem Water Museum Hungarian Bökény Dam Szentes (31.5 km) Szentes Water Museum Strand (2 , 2 km)
