
Novi Kneževac park is located in the extreme north of Banat, on the left bank of the Tisa river. Together with the castles of the noble families who lived there, it forms an integral part of harmony, nature and architectural heritage of this region. The facilities located in the park are under the protection of the state as cultural monuments. The Servijcki-Šulpe Castle (currently court house) was protected in 1952 at the proposal of the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Novi Sad as a cultural asset of great significance. The Novi Kneževac nobility lived in the curia and castles built on the bank of the Tisa in a shady park full of exotic trees and flowers, behind high walls, in a closed circle of luxury. There are few settlements in Vojvodina, with the past characterised by so many noble families as in the case of Novi Kneževac. Emil Talijan stands out as the most deserving for the look of the park. As a great adventurer, a world traveler, a passionate hunter, he brought plants from the various parts of the world and planted them in the park and took care of them. Katarina Milanković Paćanski "de Visak” is equally important. She lived in the Servisji castle. She worked on decorating the castle, both interior and exterior. She hired top-class gardeners who went to great lengths to arrange a park modeled on the Viennese castles. Cultivated in eclectic, i.e. mixed style by combining elements of landscape (English) and geometric (French) style, it represents the most significant green area in Novi Kneževac. In addition to autochthonous and allochthonous species, we have species from the tropics present here as well. The presence of wood vegetation is seen in the form of tree lines, cascading trees, group of trees as well as freely arranged specimens for the purpose of the layout of the grounds
